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Humans of Athens Drive: Jimmy Ray

Collage of Jimmy Ray and Mentees Danazia McLean(Nae), Christiane Terry, and Crystal McCabe
Collage of Jimmy Ray and Mentees Danazia McLean(Nae), Christiane Terry, and Crystal McCabe
Photos by Danazia McLean (Nae)

 Jimmy Ray, the in-school suspension teacher at Athens Drive, gives mentoring advice to every student that steps into his class. He believes that every student deserves a second chance and works tirelessly to help them overcome their challenges and achieve their goals.

“I have a passion for helping young people; my parents mentored a lot of my friends both in my neighborhood or teammates who came over, so that’s where my passion for young people comes from I would assume,” said Ray.

Ray values building lasting relationships with people he meets, prioritizing leaving a positive impact. He believes that these relationships will pay off in the long run and will continue to benefit those who come after us.

“The one number thing I care about is family, and not in the sense of genealogy but, the community that I’ve built made of bio family and friends; my village! I want to leave a legacy on the next generation,” said Ray.

Ray’s motivation to connect with students actually comes from his own parent’s struggles while raising him. Ray’s parents moved around many times by the time Ray was 3, going from Smithfield to Raleigh, to New York, then Chicago, District of Columbia, returning to Chicago and finally back to Raleigh, all in the span of six years.

“That story is so inspiring to me because I know all the sacrifices they had to have made to raise my brother and me during the height of the crack epidemic and to see that we both obtain college degrees is truly a testament to them both and inspires me each day,” said Ray.

Being open to learning is a way to keep improving yourself as you get older. One of Ray’s best philosophies is that you’re never too old to learn new things. Everyone should always be open to learning because it leads to many new opportunities. 

“I try to consider myself a lifetime learner, meaning I’m constantly hoping to improve upon myself in every aspect of myself; from how I treat people, to my personal finances,” said Ray.

Many people may not know that Jimmy Ray is one of the nicest people that you’ll ever meet. 

Growing up, the most difficult challenge for Ray was learning how to control his angry emotions. His experience has taught him the importance of empathy, patience and resilience, which he applies to all areas of his life.

“Becoming more in tune with my emotions and being able to self-regulate those emotions without it being detrimental to those around me or manifesting in violence against others has been difficult for me,” said Ray.

Ray recommends that everyone reads  “Do It for a Day” by Mark Batterson. It’s a self-help book about forming and breaking habits. The book emphasizes focusing on one habit at a time and committing to it for 24 hours. It provides practical tips and advice for building daily habits and overcoming obstacles.

“Prioritizing yourself allows you to show up as your best self and be present for those around you,” said Ray.

“Be quick to listen and slow to react while offering grace and mercy,” said Ray.

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