On average, 62 percent of high school seniors will matriculate on to college or some other form of higher education after graduation. Given the large portion of college-bound students, you would assume that college would be just as free as high school, right? I mean, if you need a college education for most jobs, why shouldn’t it be? And, of course, it is! College is more price-accessible than daycare for kids. Why would you need to pay for education? It’s a human right, silly!
Of course textbooks are provided, just like a public high school. And if they’re not you’re sure to get a pdf online. It would be unreasonable not to! Why would you pay even more for access to the class information? Likewise, any programs you use for school are fully paid for. If you’re in the class, it should just be a class!
When you’re a freshman at a college, most schools will require you to live on campus. It’s just a great way to help people transition to college life, right? Well then, of course, it would be unreasonable to add excessive housing costs on top of tuition. Why force someone to do something, and then force them to pay for it? How ridiculous.
America is renowned as a country rife with bright futures. But, to make those futures as bright as possible, we have colleges, some spanning further back than the Aztec empire. With such a legacy, it seems only reasonable that at this point, we would figure out a way to reduce college costs. I mean, If England can do it, why can’t we? We’re always in competition with them, and we’ve definitely got them beat in college prices.
Now, scholarships are often advertised. But, if our college is free, what are scholarships for? They’re as good as useless. It kind of feels like a waste of money for most. Unless you want free money. In which case hey! It’s money! I’m not objecting. College is cheap and a great gateway to more money. Get some extra on the path.
In reality, college is hard and expensive. It’s not for everyone, and it can be inaccessible for many. Whatever path you choose should be right for you, just not what you “should do”. There are lots of scholarship opportunities, compiled on websites like https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/pay-for-college/bigfuture-scholarships or https://www.fastweb.com/referrals/20546d4a2571524. College can be tricky to handle, but it’s not impossible.