Science-fiction movies have been around since 1902 when A Trip to the Moon was released to French audiences by director Georges Méliès. The genre has come a long way since the 18 minute silent film was released, and science fiction is now one of the most well-known genres and has produced many classics. Here are some of the highest rated sci-fi movies loved by fans of the genre.
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey dives into the dawn of man, the space race, artificial intelligence and even greater space exploration. Coming out before man had even landed on the moon, Kubrick gets so much right with space exploration. While there is little plot, it is made up for with ideas, stunning visuals, an iconic soundtrack and style.
Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)
Star Wars: A New Hope started one of the most iconic series ever. A New Hope introduced the series with loveable characters, space princesses and iconic villains. The entire Star Wars franchise has grossed 9.4 billion US dollars worldwide, and is still coming out with new movies today.
Blade Runner (1982)
Directed by arguably the greatest Sci-Fi director of all time, Ridley Scott, Blade Runner is set in a dystopian Los Angeles. It follows a ‘Blade Runner’ cop, Rick Deckard, played by Harrison Ford. Deckard’s job is to hunt down human-engineered replicants who have escaped from working colonies. Replicants were genetically engineered, bio-enhanced people whose sole purpose was for slavery. As Deckard continues to hunt down these replicants, he comes to question his own humanity, and what it means to be human.
Akira (1988)
The Japanese anime, Akira, takes place in Neo-Tokyo, 30 years after a nuclear explosion wiped out the original city. The movie centers around biker gangs, government conspiracies and a scientific experiment which turns a biker into a psychic sociopath. This cyberpunk helped Japanese animation get a foothold in western audiences and even influenced musicians such as Michael Jackson and Kanye West.
Ghost in the Shell (1995)
Another Japanese anime, Ghost in the Shell, is an action-thriller that left audiences on the edge of their seat. Released during the early ages of the internet, Ghost in the Shell’s plot relied heavily on the new information age, and possible advancements of robotics. This movie eventually inspired other classics, such as the Matrix, Avatar, and Ex_Machina.
Wall-E (2008)
Despite being a children’s movie, Wall-E still provided a strong message and was a hit for all ages. It is a futuristic satire, in which humans have abandoned a heavily polluted Earth for a cruise-like starship. The movie warns the audience about their consumerist ways, saying it will lead to an unhealthy future, for both the planet and themselves.
Avatar (2009)
Avatar was released in 2009 and at the time it was the highest grossing movie to ever be released, making a profit of 2.76 billion dollars. In Avatar, humans are the alien invaders to the native Na’vi species. The movie can be seen as an allegory, with the humans stealing, bombing and destroying the planet Pandora, even though the world is not a threat to Earth. Many see this as a comparison to the United States and third world countries. The movie set a new standard for both visuals and storytelling.
Inception (2010)
This is Christopher Nolan’s second movie on this list, after Interstellar. Inception externalises the human mind, to give place for an extravagant heist. Inception portrays mental illness, greed and physics-defying fights in a way no other movie can. With a climax that leaves viewers on the edge of their seat and an ending that leaves them talking for weeks, Inception is a classic.
“I had to hold my breath while watching Inception, it got so tense at the end,” said Joy Winton, senior.
Ex_Machina (2014)
Ex_Machina is director Alex Garland’s first film. The plot is based around three characters, Caleb, Nathan and Ava. Caleb won a prize to stay a week at his eccentric boss, Nathan’s house. There he learns of Nathan’s newest project, Ava, artificial intelligence in the shape of a human. The film explores the concept of the dangers of artificial intelligence and the possibilities of emotion in said AI.
Interstellar (2014)
Interstellar explores theories based on physics for space exploration, such as wormholes and blackholes. It is centered around astronaut Cooper, who had to leave his family behind to look for possible planets to make humanity’s new home. It questions morality and tells the story on how one should never give up.
“I really liked how it all came together at the end but it tended to drag some at the start,” said Mitchell Huggins, senior.