The official student news site of Athens Drive High School


The official student news site of Athens Drive High School


The official student news site of Athens Drive High School


About Us

The Athens Oracle is the official student newspaper of Athens Drive High School in Raleigh, NC. We seek to find the stories that affect students at ADHMS and to showcase our unique student body.

Our Editorial Policy:
The purpose of the Athens Oracle is to present news that is of interest to students. To the best of our ability, we will seek out and present the news in an interesting and informative manner. The intention of The Oracle is to present Athens in a realistic light, neither ignoring the assets, nor avoiding the unpleasant. We wish to reach the entire student body as opposed to catering to any one group.

The Athens Oracle is a public forum and welcomes any student, teacher or parent contribution, but the editors deserve the right to edit pieces for length and grammar, and to use discretion. The opinions expressed in the signed editorials are those of the author, not The Athens Oracle or Athens Drive High School.

Letters To The Editor:
Disagree with an article? Want to show support? Drop off your response to an article from the latest issue of the Oracle accompanied with your name, email, and signature or email them to [email protected]. Letters should not exceed 200 words and must be school appropriate. Once received by the Athens Oracle, letters become property of the newspaper and may be edited and published in any format.  You may also submit comments under each online article.

Our Goal