Within Athens Drive, there are many different students with challenges that they have to persevere to overcome; this quality highlights Breana Garcia, one of Morgan Thomas’s special education students. Throughout Breana’s time at Athens Drives, she has faced many challenges and continued to show incredible determination time and time again.
“I recommended Breana because she is just a very confident person and I knew that she would enjoy seeing her name in the paper once it came out. I just wanted to allow her to have the opportunity to do it,” said Morgan Thomas, special education teacher at Athens.
While at school, Breana has found many interests that she enjoys, oftentimes expressing them to the people around her. These interests could just be high school hobbies or could help her find a career she is interested in pursuing after high school.
“The subjects that I’m interested in are like math … and also, I get to look up recipes sometimes,” said Garcia.
She enjoys many different activities both inside and outside of school, including the Athens Drive band. These activities have had a positive effect on how Breana has grown throughout her time here at Athens Drive.

“I have seen Breana grow as a person, be able to grow in her relationships with adults, with other students, I’ve also had the pleasure of seeing her in the band,” said Thomas.
The band has had a positive impact on Breana and caused her to remain determined to succeed despite the difficulties she has experienced throughout her life.
“Some days, Breana can have health issues and that’s something that we’re always looking out for. She can become very tired during the school day,” said Thomas.
Brianna uses her determination daily to succeed as a student and to overcome the challenges she faces as a result of the health issues she experiences daily.
“I’ve seen her overcome the health issues and then the tiredness and get right back to what she was doing before that. She’s just a really strong person and does not give up on anything that she’s doing,” said Thomas.
Through her struggles, she continues to put forth effort to succeed in her courses as well as perform her best in the Athens Drive band which has shown how she perseveres through all the challenges she faces in her daily life.
Thomas expresses to Breana, ”You’re just such a great performer, and you are passionate about being in the band even on days that you don’t wanna go. You still go and you love it.”