As the indoor track and field season begins, Athens Drive Athletics and coaches are prepared to welcome the 2023-2024 season.
Ross Kennel is the returning head coach of indoor track and field this season. He hopes to have at least ten women and men athletes qualify for the regionals this season. A few characteristics that make a great coach, according to Kennel, are having great knowledge of the sport you’re coaching, enthusiasm, charisma and having a positive attitude.
“I want my players to hold themselves to the highest level of accountability to reach their full potential, otherwise they’re never going to know their full potential,” said Kennel.
Ethan Graham, senior, is a shot putter on the Athens Drive men’s indoor track team. Graham has been on the team for a year now, and the independence of indoor track gives him time to be a student and an athlete at the same time. He uses the study hall to complete any school work before going to practice. Making it to the state regionals last season is what drives him to look forward to the upcoming season. Graham is excited to play this season and plans to make it to state regionals, and he plans to continue track into his college career.
“Qualifying for state was my favorite moment from last season; it was a big moment for my indoor track career,” said Graham.
Ollie Milchuck, senior, is a shot putter and has been doing track since freshman year. Throughout his high school athletic career, Milchuck has always created a schedule to get his schoolwork done before and after practice. He continues to do indoor track solely because of the independence of the sport. Milchuck has prepared himself for the upcoming season by working with a Amateur Athletic Union track team over the summer, he also played on the Athens football team last season.
“I like how my scores are based on only me, I like how the sport is sort of independent, the fact that the scores I put up are mine, keeps me doing my best with every competition,” said Milchuck.
Although track may seem like an easier sport, it is not and it’s very competitive. Athletes must come prepared to work hard. The men’s indoor track team has a zero-tolerance policy for misbehavior. The Indoor track and field team has multiple requirements and expectations for the Athletics. Athletics must have passed 3 out of 4 classes last spring, must have a cleared physical through the school, have at least a 1.5 GPA, attend 85% of their classes, and must be promoted to the next grade level.
Meets will run from December 8, 2023 – February 9th, 2024, there will be two meets held at the Drive on December 8 and January 31, 2024.The first day of Practice is Monday, October 30, 2:50-5:00 p.m. located at the Williams Stadium.
“I’m excited to come back this season, and try to do the best I can,” said Milchuck.