Every year, Athens Drive hosts a Powderpuff game; the event took place on Nov. 2, 2022. A game of durability, speed, and strength where the different classes (Seniors vs. freshmen and sophomores vs. juniors.) compete in a playful game where the football players and cheerleaders switch places to raise money for a charity of the student’s body’s choice. For the past few years, Athens Drive has decided to give its funding to the SPCA charity in Wake County.
Zoe Politis, senior, is an individual who worked amongst the senior student council to bring back Powderpuff after a slow resurrection from the pandemic, and feels strongly towards animals and school activities. Politis has worked towards making Athens Drive a better place, making the Ukraine Fun Run in 2022 and the student organizer of Powderpuff.
“When I figured out I wanted to do powderpuff, I knew I wanted to do it for a cause. So after lots of consideration, we decided it would be best to charge fans and families five dollars at the door to give all proceeds to the SPCA of Wake County,” said Politis.
The SPCA of Wake County is the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, a non-profit organization towards animal welfare around the world. Their vision since 2003 has involved taking in homeless pets and giving them a home, whether that be through adoption, sheltering, or caring for them.
During powderpuff, the energy was exhilarating with the students in the stands.The players who commonly, are the cheerleaders alternate with the football players. With seniors winning against

freshmen, juniors winning against sophomores, sophomores winning against freshmen and seniors winning against juniors. Seniors had won the night prominently.
Out of the numerous charities in Wake county, the SPCA has immense importance towards the growth and care of the animals in North Carolina. 3,940 animals’ lives have been saved through righteous individuals who chose to adopt since 2021. People such as Politis, are a step in the right direction to help decrease the only 10% rate for the dogs who will find permanent homes.
The memorable upbringing of the SPCA arose in England, in 1824 when Arthur Broom founded the organization towards protecting carriage horses from abuse towards what now is the home for neglected, sick and abused animals throughout the world.
Athens Drive has chosen a charity that works to do a lot of good for the homeless animals in Wake County. The students and staff of the school can sleep soundly knowing that their money is going towards stopping the abuse and neglect of animals without a home.
Politis’ connection with animals is one that truly inspires an individual and thousands of animal lovers across the world and the powderpuff fundraising for the SPCA is truly a benefit to animals internationally.
“Animal rights are one of the most important factors towards solving all of the world’s issues,” said Politis. “The SPCA is a voice for repressed creatures everywhere who can’t speak for themselves.”