Photo Taken By: Elijah Hoskins ; Claire Siegel ; Senior & Sarah Shouse ; History Teacher pose together for the last time
Senior Spotlight: Claire Siegel
Claire Siegel, 18 years old and a member of the class of 2023, has big plans for her future. Siegel plans to attend NC State in the fall with a major in anthropology and a minor in Clarinet Performance.
Seigel attributes her success to those who have supported her in the past.
“It was important to find people, upperclassmen to kind of serve as role models to me, And just have a support system, you know, having friends or family or whoever to just help you,” said Siegel.
“I guess I would say [one word to describe me is] dedicated. I think that the majority of what I do, I kind of put my all into it. I kind of find it to be all or nothing and typically I’m gonna participate in things that I’m passionate about and am interested in,” said Siegel.
Siegel found role models and participated in several extracurricular activities such as Marching Band, TYP (Quartet), Environmental Science Club, Key Club, National Honor Society, National Art Honor Society, TRIAM (Music Honor Society), Stem Academy, Girl Scouts, and Pitt Orchestra.
Everybody has their own obstacles in life and their struggles in life. Seigel has also had to overcome obstacles in high school.
“I mean, Covid is the big one [I struggled with], and just virtual school. I also found that one of my biggest [problems] was managing my extracurriculars,” said Siegel.
Claire Siegel is humble about her accomplishments.. Siegel is also a great role model for aspiring seniors and freshmen anywhere in Wake County.
Sarah Shouse, Seigel’s history teacher, said, “[What makes her stand out is] her consistent and constant dedication to assignments of all sizes…simple discussions in class, homework readings, and large presentations with projects,” said Shouse. “[One word to describe her is] dedicated.”
Shouse has seen Siegel grow a lot during her time at Athens Drive.
“I have seen her grow in the best ways! She has always been wonderful and detail oriented…and this has only gotten better! She takes on multiple perspectives, and considers what others might say/do to understand the material better,” said Shouse.
Seigel also puts in a lot of effort in building relationships and working to understand class material.
“It is not just one thing, but [my favorite thing about her is] it is the excellent questions and fun comments through Remind and email! I love the amount of care that she puts into her work and goal of achieving full understanding of the material…she also regularly has fantastic comparisons and metaphors,” said Shouse.
“What makes her a good student is] her care for herself, peers, and her dedication and love for education,” said Shouse. “Her perseverance is shown through a constant push to deliver the highest quality work from small to large assignments.”