Hannah Suehle
Christmas music is a wide debate, giving a lot of friendly fights. The debate can be solved with simple logic and reason.
At this time of year, there’s a lot of controversy as to when you are allowed to start listening to Christmas music or decorate for Christmas. But, much debate surrounds when it’s appropriate to start listening to Christmas music. Many people start November 1st, preparing themselves for the turn of the season and Thanksgiving. Others wait until after Thanksgiving, citing it as the border between Halloween and fall activities and the start of winter celebrations. Even further still, some are staunch in their December 1st line, trying to contain the season to its own month. There is a true answer to it all, and it may not be what you think it is.
The real answer is December 26th. Now. You may ask yourself, “Why then? Surely that’s too late, by then Christmas is over!” This advice isn’t for everyone. But, once you give it a good thought, it makes sense!
For starters, the twelve days of Christmas don’t start until the 26th. That means you really should be celebrating Christmas well into January, so why not play it then? See, you’ve got an advent calendar to keep the ball rolling up until Christmas. That’ll keep the spirits bright. You can put up lights, maybe sing a few acapella Christmas carols. But save the music for a little later. Plus, who doesn’t want to hold off Mariah Carey’s defrosting just a tad longer?
The second reason pertains to the Christian aspect of the holiday. Jesus, according to the church, wasn’t born until the 25th. These Christmas songs are like singing Happy Birthday to him! Really, you should hold off till his birthday. It’s not like you’d sing Happy Birthday to a baby still in utero, right? The same applies to baby Jesus! Celebration of the season should stick to the holiday. Everyone is always fairly staunch on keeping holidays contained, such as Easter decorations put out long before their time, so why does the same not apply to holiday music?
Once you correct your stance on Christmas music, you’ll finally be able to celebrate the most wonderful time of the year. Paired with Dasher, you can stay a Dancer for the season.